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Monday, January 25, 2016

Happy New Year! (It's been a while....)

I can't believe the last post was in 2014!! Where did the last 2 years go??

Time for that annual review!

1. Don't waste your time on resolutions you are never going to complete. It's dragging you down and depressing you while leading you to a "Failure" mindset. Just remember we can't spell failure without U R A. LOL Seriously though, you need to have New Year Realizations! What did you learn last year? I'll start you with the first one:

"You can always make more money, but you can never buy more time." 

Want to do something? Do it. Don't be that old person sitting there with regret. Don't have enough money? Work some over time or better yet, get a job that pays more and go do it. Make all the excuses you want, but ultimately, it's up to you. The world will continue to spin on and go on without you. It's too late when you're dead and time's up. For those cheapskates, remember that when you're dead, you can't take that money with you. You're hoarding money for the government to take or someone else to live it up on. Enjoy your hard earned money yourself, not on someone else.

2. Do that review of your finances. Besides tax season, make sure you have everything documented for your significant other or loved one. With everything digital, there is no hard copy. No one will find anything. Year end statements of everything. Put it in a folder and put it somewhere safe with a label on it.

3. Re-read my post from Dec 2012 (http://goo.gl/4K8nlm), the information is still relevant. Normally done during open enrollment, but still a good review and to be kept for this coming year.

4. Your personal security online. Most find it an inconvenience and annoying, but all it takes is one incident and you're completely screwed. Protect your self: (http://goo.gl/8s0EbD)

Have a happy and prosperous new year! See you next post!