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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What Radio Shack really needs to do…

Radio Shack needs to retool and get out of being a cheap clone of Brookstone. What do they sell anyway? They truly need to embrace their D.I.T. (Do It Together) mantra, that is hidden on their site.
To me Radio Shack was always the go to place to find tools and gadgets you need to fix things. What happened to that? Now they sell junk gadgets, toys and cell phone contracts? It’s the cheap version of Brookstone.

Did you notice how many people are walking around with shattered smartphone screens? How many small “shady” places are offering repairs? Hello!? Why doesn’t Radio Shack get into that business? Sell warranties? Parts? Classes? D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself). If not, get a Really Smart Associate to fix it. Get it? RS? Radio Shack – Really Smart?

How to do that? Here’s the plan. 
  1. Buy iFixit.com, they already have a HUGE customer base, with videos on how to fix things and a retail business going. That’s already 50% of the work done for you.

  2. Get into the warranty service business. Technology companies need this for all their gadgets, become the “Apple Store” for everyone else. Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, etc. Upsell the RS Complete Coverage, for ALL gadgets. Fill in the missing gaps.

  3. Get into the trade-in business for electronics, can’t fix it? Buy it from us, while you’re here.

  4. BE Maker Faire (http://makerfaire.com/). Embrace those customers, I mean people. They are people who will come back to your stores and support the brand. Goldsmith sponsor is good, but BE the Presenting Sponsor. Have one every week in your store!

  5. Get into home automation on the ground floor. Home Depot and Lowes CAN’T compete. Get a Really Smart Installer to install the system and show people how to use it. It’s a growing field, be the pioneer!

  6. Get into 3D printing, it’s going to be high margin big business. Get in on the ground floor. No one else has the distribution or reach that you do, right now.
A lot of these are very easy to get into immediately and wouldn't require much retooling, just branding.