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Monday, February 6, 2012

5 Things Nobody Tells You About Being Poor

So, I started reading the site Cracked.com. It's pretty funny and the humor is based on some facts.

I came across this great article: 5 Things Nobody Tells You About Being Poor | Cracked.com 

It's funny, but horrifyingly true! I had a co-worker making decent money, but wasn't getting ahead. So I offered to help. All I did was reconcile his checking account to find that he was paying $600 a month in overdraft charges because his wife was using the debit card attached to their checking account!! That's $7,200 a year and it was going on for several years! At 3 years, it's $21,600!!

It's shocking the lack of financial education in the United States. When I used to hear how important education was, "Go to school!" from my parents day in and day out. I realized that they don't necessarily know why. They see that people with college degrees make more money so they equate that with success.

In reality, it's not just the degree. If it was, certain people will not have succeeded in life, such as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs to name a few. The focal point should be the desire to LEARN in life. Know why is it that way and not just take it. For example, the "Occupiers" are mostly the "educated ignorant" people or the sheep that woke up one day and said something is not right with the "System", when in reality it's them who failed the system.

If you're poor reading this, there is hope. Know what is wrong and go about fixing it. Don't get sucked into a bad daily pattern of poor. Change your habits and you can change your life. Unless you like the way it is now, then ignore this post and go back to Facebook.

For those that are still reading, take notes from the article above and keep that money for yourself. Stop giving your money away and start saving it for yourself.

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